Bennyhinn Sam
I’m Bennyhinn Sam from Tamil Nadu!
I love programming, as well as playing music, taking photos and learning new things!
Feel free to get in touch or take a look at my past work below.
My top projects

Face Recognition
A web app using face recognition to automate attendance at our club meetings. It provides real-time data, improving efficiency and management of activities and participation.

Mr Basher
Mr Basher is a Discord bot exclusive for byte bash blitz to monitor members' activity in the server. The bot tracks how long they are active, how many messages they send, the threads they create, and more.

Matha Builders
Matha Builders is a construction company for which I developed a website. The project was undertaken as part of Byte Bash Technologies, where I work as a developer. The website showcases the company's projects, services, and contact information.
Resumos LEIC
A completely open source website, dedicated to the creation of class notes focused on the courses in the curriculum of the BSc in Computer Science and Engineering at Técnico Lisboa, improving the academic performance of students. Currently, it achieves more than 30k monthly views across all pages.
Get Started
Mentoring New Members in Computer Science Basics
As a Byte Bash Blitz member, I mentor new members, introducing them to computer science fundamentals. My sessions include: Basic Concepts: OS, File Structures, Browsers, etc.
GitHub: Basics of version control and collaboration. Developer Tools: Introduction to IDEs, code editors, and debugging tools. Project-Based Learning: Hands-on projects to apply knowledge and skills. These sessions aim to equip new members for their computer science journey and effective community contribution.Matha Builders
Our first project in Byte Bash Technologies is building a website for a construction company Matha Builders from Trichy.The project helps more understanding real world collabration,team work experience
Discord Bot
In January 2024, I developed a Discord bot to monitor members' activity in the server. The bot tracks how long they are active, how many messages they send, the threads they create, and more.
Byte Bash Technologies
My first experience working as a team
I joined Byte Bash Technologies, a student-driven company under the Center for Innovation (CFI) at Stella Mary's College of Engineering We’ve been working on various projects. I’ve started receiving money for programming, which was a huge achievement for me!
In September 2023, during my second semester break, I joined BYTE BASH BLITZ, a competitive programming event at our college. This experience sharpened my web development skills and introduced me to frameworks and Flutter. The BYTE BASH BLITZ became a community in October 2023, and I started creating projects, including a face recognition web app using Flask in December 2023.
Toastmasters Ah_counter
As part of creating a meeting tools app for Toastmaster meeting I created Ah Counter Tool using Flutter FLow, aiding in effective meeting management.
Toastmasters Timer
My first Android app
In 2022, I joined Toastmasters and came up with the idea of creating a meeting tools app. In June 2023, I developed a timer app using Kotlin with the help of ChatGPT. The timer changes color based on the elapsed time, aiding in effective meeting management.
BE Computer Science and Engineering
I started Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering programme at Stella Mary's College Of Engineering
Introduction to Python
In October 2021, during my 12th grade , I was introduced to Python. I started solving small problems using Python, which laid the foundation for my programming skills.
Corona Lockdown
During the 2019 corona lockdown, I started using Photoshop and other cracked software, which sparked my interest in digital tools and hacking. In 2020, I delved into hacking, learning from YouTube and using Python scripts from GitHub. I also learned Linux through NetworkChuck's "Linux for Hackers" playlist, exploring file structures, processes, and more.